
Posted on January 19, 2007
Yeah uhuh... whatever excuses you need to come up with to
not have to admit that you're just intellectually challenged
compared to your secret favorite type, the ENTP. In fact, I
have a theory that you never knew this at all. You just posted this claiming that you knew, but were secretly trying to get the answer that you couldn't figure out for yourself.. you know, I just realized something as I was typing this.. I don't think an INFP (the most unrocking type there is) could be that clever. Anyway, good to see you were fortunate to be out of that ice storm.. :)

Where the worms never die..


Posted on January 19, 2007
Even if I didn't know who had which hat on, I probably would
have taken my chances with black as you have a 3-2
advantage. It all depends on how long my sentence is,What
was I in there to begin with? That interview was awesome! I
should have done that for my interview.... Wow, Danielle is
quite the person. She likes Lemon, eggplant, opposum and
Rhinoceros beatles. :-)

where we may get snow...someday.


Posted on January 19, 2007
Can't wait till the dvd comes out ...u cracked me up man
...u know, something tells me I don't think INFPs are always
that dorky, see Dr. J.



Posted on January 19, 2007
ROFL! ... jordan, I thought your interview was serious at first. i was thinkiing, "boy, he's pretty camera shy." that was great. take care my friend.



Posted on January 19, 2007
You shouldn't be allowed to make people laugh until they
cry. :)



Posted on January 19, 2007
Wow, I've never seen trees destroyed by ice like that. The
devestation is just... the only words that come to mind are
havoc....chaos.....uh, trash.. ;-) Sorry couldn't resist. In all seriousness though, that's just amazing, and yeah terrible. Oh and LOL on that interview video! Was not expecting that.



Posted on January 19, 2007
Hey Jor, I just wanted to let you know that I just tried
your quiz thing last night, and no, I did not cheat. It took
me about 15 minutes...so yah, it was fun.



Posted on January 20, 2007
Josef ... you got me. Yet again, I have been bested by an entp, and I am ashamed (yeah whatever!). lol, way to be observant, Matthew. The category for the left side of the game was "Things In A Garden," hence those answers. Luke, you are the man! Dr. J was indeed a "cool" infp, and let us not forget Tiger Woods, Derek Jeter, and best of all, Jim Henson. :) In any case, so glad you found my interview to be ammusing. :) Helena, forgive me for making us introverts look so pathetic. lol, sadly, that impression isn't too far from the truth for some folks of my design (maybe even me sometimes?). lol Nate. Indeed, what better words could describe such a situation then those of Jordan Rivera? :) Nice, Jon! 15 minutes is quick thinking.

little village of nottinghill


Posted on January 20, 2007
my intp fiance lives near springfield and also was without
power for some time. :/ .. i gotta check out that brain type video of those people! estp is my opposite type, lol, so that should be interesting. if you think your infp type is boring, imagine being a j on top of it all these years like i have. ;)

joplin mo


Posted on January 20, 2007
Looks like you had a good time with the game, but "horizontally down the page"? I mean, really, don't you mean
"vertically down the page"? It is a comfort to us to see
someone as famous as you make these sorts of mistakes.

Tiffany Roney
en mi casa


Posted on January 20, 2007
Howdy, Me and my family just watched " The Book of Being"
Last night. Mrs. Melody is our piano teacher too. So last
night she came over and we watched it. We loved it . We ask
her to get us one from you. You better sign it. Anyway I was
going to get one for a friend ( Jonathan Boulden) but I found out that they have one already. Jonathan's sister (Caroline Boulden) met you at the Film Festival in Texas.She made the movie "Slipping". I was talking to Jonathan last night and I was telling him about the movie. And he said you take lessons from Jordan's piano teacher ?? He said he did not know you but his sister did. Wow small world : ) The world my seem big but when you run into things like this you really see how small the world is and how big God is! I loved the music on the movie, it is beautiful. We have a blessed day in the Lord. Trails of Happiness Tangerine.



Posted on January 21, 2007
Ahh!!! Tiffany!!! How could that have happened!? And none of my academically superior blog readers caught that (or at least didn't tell me)! Fixed it, thanks. :) Hi Tangerine! So glad you have enjoyed our film. Man, it is a small world, isn't it? Yeah I definitely remember Caroline from the festival (and academy). lol, well, if you want me to sign a copy, I'll be more than happy to do that for you. Thanks for saying hello. Keep in touch.

so mo
